//Bloo's sv_cheats 1 script v2!
\\ New Features: Box esp, Trippy alternate wallhack option, anti-aim/spinhack, slo-mo hack.
//For servers with sv_cheats 1
\\just copy this into your autoexec.cfg
//By BloO!
\\Features: Good Fake Wallhack, Speed, Weapons, Cash, anti-aim/spinhack, alternate wall, slo-mo
// the wall makes u see only thinks like weapons, players, and barrels
\\The difference between the anti-aim, and the spinhack is that spin is left and anti-aim is right.
//The left or right spinhack/anti-aim options were only added for your preference/convenience.
\\****NOTICE**** The spinhack, anti-aim, and buybot do not require sv_cheats 1
echo "Bloo's cheat script v2 loaded"
echo "type alias in console for a list of the commands included"
sv_cheats 1
alias speedoff host_framerate 0
alias speedon host_framerate 13
bind h speedon
bind j speedoff
alias wallhackon r_drawothermodels 2
alias wallhackoff r_drawothermodels -1
bind - wallhackon
bind = wallhackoff
alias wallhack2on "mat_proxy 2"
alias wallhack2off "mat_proxy 0"
alias slomo-on "host_framerate 350"
alias slomo-off "host_framerate 0"
alias +spinhack "cl_yawspeed 13371337; +left"
alias -spinhack "cl_yawspeed 210; -left"
alias +antiaim "cl_yawspeed 13371337; +right"
alias -antiaim "cl_yawspeed 210; -right"
alias +boxesp "r_drawrenderboxes 1"
alias -boxesp "r_drawrenderboxes 0"
alias ak/deagle "give weapon_ak47; give weapon_deagle"
alias awp/deagle "give weapon_awp; give weapon_deagle"
alias cash impulse 101
alias cash2 impulse101
alias panic_key "sv_cheats 0; r_drawothermodels -1; host_framerate 0; r_drawrenderboxes 0; echo "hax r off""
alias hax_on "sv_cheats 1; r_drawothermodels 2; host_framerate 13; r_drawrenderboxes 1; echo hax r on""
alias +rage "host_framerate 25; r_drawothermodels 2; r_drawrenderboxes 1; give weapon_ak47; give weapon_deagle; echo "Bloo's Rage Mode Successfully Loaded""
alias -rage "host_Framerate 0; r_drawothermodels -1; r_drawrenderboxes 0; echo "Bloo's Rage Mode Succesfully Removed"
alias +buybot_rifle "buy weapon_ak47;buy weapon_m4a1; buy weapon_deagle"
alias +buybot_sniper "buy weapon_awp; buy weapon_deagle"
alias buybot_off "unbind h; unbind j"
alias buybot_on" bind h +buybot_rifle; bind j +buybot_sniper"